I realised I took many things for granted. Knowing how to cycle, the people around me blah blah. Saw someone picked up cycling yesterday. He aint young, he aint old. But he is just not the age I would imagine someone learning how to cycle. He picked it up and Im proud of him. And for those who do goes to ECP, some might have realise some older people are picking up inline skating. Saw this couple who was hobbling together some many nights ago and I was like gasp. Imagine growing old like that, aint it cool.
I would love to grow old like that. Well, who wouldnt you may ask. And I recall this aging couple I saw while my bus turned at East Shore Hospital. She was on the wheelchair. He was wheeling her. He could barely walk and my guess was he was using the wheelchair for support. Yet, yes, he was there for her daily walks. (I presume its daily cos she is on the drip and she looks bored.) But its a lovely sight.
Anyway back to taking things for granted. Im learning not to. Really.
Its the term break and Im halfway thru a semester to graduating. My education is ending soon! And the awful animal race out there. The cat scratch cat, dog eat dog, and rat chase rat world.