Life According to Ping ...

March 30, 2004

icq no. 156827776 is dead. My icq contacts simply disappeared so peeps, kindly add me again at 14595759 okaiis?

The 156827776 is back.

March 22, 2004

Have you ever purchased something that simply irritates you whenever you look at it? Something that started off on a negative note and I could never bring myself to love that something ever? I cant. And I put them on auctions these days even at a loss. After it beats living with it unhappily ever after.

March 18, 2004

Too much of my balance diet! *koffskoffs*

Now click here!

March 11, 2004

My balance diet!

Breakfast: A slice of bread with pringles (sour cream)
Lunch: Normal Vege rice! and Sweets
Tea: Horlicks with a pack of double decker
Somewhat Dinner: Calibee prawn crackers and some chocolate wafer
Somewhat supper: Some dumplings, more pringles, an apple and sweets

I don't feel good.

March 08, 2004

highly stressful day

I hate driving in the rain. Your wipers are moving at full speed and I can bearly hear my stereo. Horrid weather. These are the days I wish someone would chaffeur me around. Gees. And Yes people, I'm still learning to be safe but I reckon I was pretty safe today! You guys would be so proud of me man. And Rosie can keep her little gasps whenever I make a turn. (Don't think I never realised =P )

Ping made someone upset today due to her insensitive nature, poor organization skills again. sorriieeee!. I tried prayed today. Remembering to add in "in jesus name i pray amens" at the end of the prayer. Saint Hildas would be so proud of me. I had a mega close shave today. Two in fact. Close shaves? hmms.. cant be used as plural ah. shaves would be the plural of shafts. oh whatever.

I thought of someone today. Thought how fragile relationships could get. Where the past belongs only to the past and the present no longer hold dear to us. Whatever it is, so long you are happy.

Something very exciting is coming up for someone dear. And don't ask me. All will be revealed in due's time. Meanwhile good luck dearie.

March 02, 2004

I have been trying to buy a new phone eversince my 6610 went diving one day. No phones had intrigued me so far. I mean true a phone is just a phone, but least they should not start producing clones all the time. And when they are done with cloning they merely produce more soap bars ( think of t230).

Anyways, just when I thought I'm popping by to starhub to get t610, (im being practical here, pricewise & phonewise) I had to see this.

ahhh.. now what should ping do...

March 01, 2004

We were talking about turning back the clock and the apparent butterfly effect. I tried to reflect, no perhaps not reflect, its too strong a word. I look back at my history and wonder when should I start turning back the clock. I thought of the major regrets I have in my 22 years and how I would rectify them given a 2nd chance. Or will I just go back and make the same old regrets again. I know not.

Fui said that we are fast to adapt to changes, to life judging from our yep experience yet why am I so slow to adapt to other.