Life According to Ping ...

March 08, 2004

highly stressful day

I hate driving in the rain. Your wipers are moving at full speed and I can bearly hear my stereo. Horrid weather. These are the days I wish someone would chaffeur me around. Gees. And Yes people, I'm still learning to be safe but I reckon I was pretty safe today! You guys would be so proud of me man. And Rosie can keep her little gasps whenever I make a turn. (Don't think I never realised =P )

Ping made someone upset today due to her insensitive nature, poor organization skills again. sorriieeee!. I tried prayed today. Remembering to add in "in jesus name i pray amens" at the end of the prayer. Saint Hildas would be so proud of me. I had a mega close shave today. Two in fact. Close shaves? hmms.. cant be used as plural ah. shaves would be the plural of shafts. oh whatever.

I thought of someone today. Thought how fragile relationships could get. Where the past belongs only to the past and the present no longer hold dear to us. Whatever it is, so long you are happy.

Something very exciting is coming up for someone dear. And don't ask me. All will be revealed in due's time. Meanwhile good luck dearie.


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