The 156827776 is back.
Have you ever purchased something that simply irritates you whenever you look at it? Something that started off on a negative note and I could never bring myself to love that something ever? I cant. And I put them on auctions these days even at a loss. After it beats living with it unhappily ever after.
My balance diet!
highly stressful day
I have been trying to buy a new phone eversince my 6610 went diving one day. No phones had intrigued me so far. I mean true a phone is just a phone, but least they should not start producing clones all the time. And when they are done with cloning they merely produce more soap bars ( think of t230).
We were talking about turning back the clock and the apparent butterfly effect. I tried to reflect, no perhaps not reflect, its too strong a word. I look back at my history and wonder when should I start turning back the clock. I thought of the major regrets I have in my 22 years and how I would rectify them given a 2nd chance. Or will I just go back and make the same old regrets again. I know not.