Life According to Ping ...

February 25, 2006

im dying..

i can't stop going to zuji, tigerairways, jetstarasia blah blah..

i want to get out of this country, this room, this bed.

been lazing around at home for the past 2 days. took out three teeth under GA and it was quite an experience for one who had not undergone any surgery before. and i was pretty looking forward to rid these teeth plus losing some weight. but at the rate im recovering, oh gosh, i cant believe i could speak on the first hour after my teeth were removed. I managed to contact the responsible adult that was suppose to pick me up after my surgery and he understood what i was saying. i went home and had soup spoon soup. hee.
i could'nt really chew still but guess what, i was devouring frog leg porridge on day 2 and even managed to stuff a pringle into my mouth.
day 3, i conquer my fear and had instant mee, ice-cream, fried carrot cake.

lose weight my backside.

February 08, 2006

i made a pretty big mistake recently. i cut my hair and did something stupid.

but im still floating on cloud 999999999 now...
thanks to a certain man who laid his head on a chopping board.

updates akan datang.

February 04, 2006

the jitterbugs are killing me. its so close yet super far and typically i think im crap at such predictable questions and answer session. i dont even have a set of answers avaliable. and to the one who is in the same boat as me, i think you would freak out, i even dreamt of the whole the end episode.