Life According to Ping ...

April 14, 2005

It cant get better than this

i was drinking water and i had to sneeze. and water got spilled on that ONE sheet of paper i wrote out for ages and smurge my own fonts. i opened the windows to air the room and a roach had to fly in. we spent quite a while searching for that roach and from underneath my bed to the desk till i bang my head against my sister teeth and my mum was awaken by all the screaming and yes mummy saved the night again. and my wonderful notebook which is getting rather tempermental these days that accidently got wet while i sneezed while i was drinking water and therefore it got a little wet too had to die on its alternate+control+delete keys. Yes. the keyboard is now pretty screwed and it kept flashing usb device not recognize. ahems. i dont have any usb device plug in.


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