Life According to Ping ...

April 03, 2005

i remembered the days where we would scheme together to pull off a trick on some other kid in school. i remembered the days where i would go to school cautioned just not to be known as the fool of april. long gone are the days of tricks. are we that grown up? or are we that busy?

i missed the days of real laughter. the days where we are not afraid of waking up alone. the days that you do not have to put up a normal front and keep living even though you feel all dead within you. i miss those days where pain do not have the ability to seize you at any hour or place.

i wish i can tell you how to stop the awful feel. its awful. and it last. and life don't stop for you sadly. but trust me on the count where it will go away slowly but surely. where one day you will run out of the clear saline fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland and diffused between the eye and eyelids.


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