Life According to Ping ...

June 11, 2005

I love kids!

Well till I met them in their poo-ing stage. Its an au-natural process yes. But I was queuing up @ a public loo with 3 pathetic cubicles. And not one kid had to poo, two. Boy in cubicle one, girl in cubicle two.

The below conversation took place with a mega high pitch voice or a coo-ing voice from busy mum.
Cubicle One Boy: " mummiiiiieeeeeeeee, i want to close the dooooor."
Mum: "yes dear, just take your time ok?"
Cubicle Two Girl: "mummiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee, i lock the door. *giggles*."
Mum: "ok, Im with didi just next door."
Cubicle One Boy: "mummmmiiieeee, i cannot what nnnggnnggg out."
Mum: "xxx, why must you alway say what before your sentences. You cannot say what. Say you cannot nnnngggnnggg out can already. Try again.."
Cubicle One Boy: " I never always what say!!"
Mum: "Yes, you do. (shouts) Ah girl, you okay!?"
Cubicle Two Girl: "Mummiiiee, where is Auntie Melanie?"
Auntie Melanie: "Im here darling. Beside you. Can you see Auntie's shoes?"
(At this point of time, I visualised a shoe shaking very hard in between cubicles)

Auntie Melanie: "Is there a lot of people outside?"
(I think she is in the nnnggggngggg business too. Alas. )
Mum: "Dont worry, just one girl" (me me me!)
Cubicle Two Girl: "mummmiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I cannot open the door!"
Mum flys out of cubicle one.
Mum: " Girl, use more strength. Turn the knob anticlockwise. You know like the clock move backwards ?"
Cubicle Two Girl: " Cannot cannot! Mummiieeee."
Mum: "Try again. No scare no scare."
At this point of time, Aunite Melanie in cubicle three walks out. I enter.
Mum: "Smart girl. You open the door."

Cubicle One Boy was still in his poo-ing position I believe when I left.
I believe I would die if I have to coerce my kid into poo-ing. And I know learning is a lifetime journey and Im proud that mummiieee uses valuable time to teach her kids. But Pur-lease. The poor kid cant concentrate on poo-ing and improving his grammar at the same time I believe.

So now I officially hate kids in the poopoo room. They smell. They irritate.


At 3:18 PM , Blogger Subterfuge_Malaise said...

Very nice closing statement.


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